Jumbo s
are being used in various ways through out the world,
wherever they are available. Here in India, they are means
of transport for timber from deep forests to road heads.
Besides, they are the best way to view wildlife through
some of the parks and sanctuaries. Also they are available
for joy rides at number of tourist sites, such as Amber
fort and Palace of Jaipur you ride on the back of
decorated elephant.
play a great role in Indian festivals also. A majestic
array of caparisoned elephants adds to the splendor of
Thirsuur Pooram festival in Kerala.
to uses of elephants in India, Longer elephant safaris
have been introduced to explore mysterious thick forests,
deep valleys and rugged trails of Corbet Tiger Reserve.
This thrilling journey is in the style of yester years,
where the grandeur of the “British Raj” is relived in
old forest rest houses (FRH) built in 1890’s